What We Do.
We are on a mission
Designing communities for people by enabling access to opportunities and resources for a healthier, more sustainable future.
By taking Care with Research, past learnings and the latest innovations provide a future framework for better health.
The United States is a leader in science and technology, we will demystify and evaluate innovations dedicated to disease prevention and health to create easily digestible and accessible information.
We focus on awareness and action to tackle pressing, or often overlooked demands and needs.
Capacity Building
We are committed to building systems that enable innovative, inclusive solutions that support communities
Our Reach.
We're making an impact
out our global mission
countries and regions
Our Programs.
Food Justice Initiative
Our goal is to address food equity by promoting awareness, providing education and access to healthy, affordable food for the community. We will accomplish this by:
- Collecting data related to food insecurity and nutrition in collaboration with local organizations and institutions.
- Providing healthy produce and education on nutrition and home farming directly to individuals experiencing food insecurity.
- Partnering with clinical, research and government organizations to help community members make informed choices that lead to improved outcomes.
In the long term, we hope this will encourage neighborhood improvement, provide job skills, and overall self-sufficiency for underserved communities while also building important social networks and community cohesion.
Live long, live well
Our goal is to equip the community with validated information for what we have learned about how we can age and still maintain quality of life.
- We will share FAQs, research summaries and validated self-assessments and tools related to what we know about longevity. And what we know that are rumors and not facts.
- We will collaborate with health research organizations and experts to share recommendations for how to plug yourself into resources and healthy practices you can start from your own home.
Live long, live well
Capacity building to support our elders: Japan
- With an increasingly aging population in Japan, we want to learn what kind of support elderly receive. How is a country with one of the largest populations and aging population able to sustain support and longevity?
- It is widely known that Japan has some of the oldest populations of people, and it is impressive how healthy behaviors have produced such a population.
- We would like to highlight the importance of supporting an aging population, and learn about good methods for supporting a longer and healthier lifestyle.
- We will interview elderly centers across Japan to see how they support the elders and share best practices they have seen.
- We will take photos/videos of the public walking and transportation infrastructure.
- We will document what activities are available for elderly throughout the community.
- We will research what the average cost of living is, what the typical healthcare experience is like, and how elderly pay for living expenses.